I seem to have fallen off the blogosphere in the past few weeks. There is good reason for this I assure you.
Firstly, I had been busy preparing for my viva voce, the oral defence of my PhD thesis and the last hurdle to completion. I am happy to say that I was passed, I have my doctorate and I am now a free man!
Secondly, my time has also been taken up preparing for the impending move to my new position as a researcher at Freie Universität Berlin in Germany. All being well I should begin there next week. My work will continue to involve FLOSS, but will be focused on agile methods also.
The University of Lincoln has very kindly permitted me to continue this blog. I will continue to write here on the topic of FLOSS, and hopefully I will be able to share my new work also.
I will miss Lincoln it is a wonderful place; it is a very pretty city and the University has been good to me. I leave behind some great friends and associates, but I take many cherished memories with me.